How much is a vanilla bean Frappuccino at Starbucks in Canada?

6 minute read | Published: May 17, 2024 | Updated: Jun 18, 2024

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The Starbucks Vanilla Bean Crème Frappuccino is an icy drink that does not contain coffee. The base includes Frappuccino syrup, heavy cream milk, and vanilla bean paste. Then the drink is topped with whipped cream.

The cost of a Vanilla Bean Frappuccino at Starbucks in Canada varies. It ranges from $6.15 to $6.75 for a Tall, $6.55 to $7.15 for a Grande, and $7.05 to $7.65 for a Venti.

I prefer Vanilla Bean Frappuccinos over other crème drinks because they aren’t overly sweet. The balance between the milk and vanilla bean is just right. Also if you’re not in the mood for coffee or caffeine, this is a great option that still gives you an energy boost.

Moreover, you can personalize this drink to suit your preferences. For example, if you want more of a kick, you can add espresso shots or extra vanilla. Another great thing about this crème frapp is that you don’t have to rush to finish it—the ice melting doesn’t water down the flavor, unlike some other drinks that taste diluted rather quickly.

The Vanilla Bean Frappuccino is also available year-round, unlike seasonal flavors like the Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte.

How many calories are in a Vanilla Bean Frappuccino?

A Tall Vanilla Bean Frappuccino at Starbucks has 260 calories, a Grande has 380 calories, and a Venti has 470 calories.

How much sugar does a Starbucks Vanilla Bean Frappuccino have?

A Tall contains 35g of sugar and 12g of fat, a Grande has 52g of sugar and 16g of fat, and a Venti has 68g of sugar and 18g of fat.

What is the difference between a coffee bean and a vanilla bean?

Vanilla beans and coffee beans may smell and taste somewhat similar, but they come from entirely different plants. Vanilla beans are derived from a vanilla orchid that produces large, dark brown pods.

While they might look similar, vanilla beans are distinctly vanilla in flavor and scent. The primary difference is that vanilla beans contain no caffeine, unlike coffee beans which are packed with it.

The lack of caffeine in vanilla beans makes them a perfect choice for those wanting a smooth, coffee-like drink without the caffeine.

Does the Vanilla Bean Frappuccino have caffeine?

Starbucks’ Vanilla Bean Frappuccino is incredibly popular for a reason. It’s not only delicious and creamy but also entirely caffeine-free, making it suitable for those who don’t want or unable to consume caffeinated drinks.

What is the difference between Vanilla Bean Frappuccino and White Chocolate Crème Frappuccino?

The White Chocolate Crème Frappuccino is a lesser-known relative of the Vanilla Bean Crème Frappuccino. Both primarily consist of milk and ice, but the White Chocolate Crème Frappuccino features white chocolate sauce instead of vanilla bean.

What’s the difference between Vanilla Bean Frappuccino and Caffe Vanilla Frappuccino?

The Caffe Vanilla Frappuccino includes coffee, whereas the Vanilla Bean Frappuccino does not. When ordering, specifying “vanilla frappuccino” could mean either, which can confuse baristas.

Frappuccinos with coffee now use “frap roast,” an instant coffee kept on the counter and dispensed from a tub, instead of espresso. Try a Caffe Vanilla Frappuccino to see if you prefer it. If you like the flavor of espresso, you can order a Vanilla Bean Frappuccino and add one shot for a Tall, or two for a Grande or Venti.

What other frappuccinos are there that do not have caffeine?

The Crème line of Frappuccinos, such as the Strawberries Crème Frappuccino, has no caffeine.

Some caffeine-free Frappuccinos include:

Starbucks Customer Reviews for the Vanilla Bean Frappuccino


The best for a cool place. Fast service and a great drink. Also picking a cool Starbucks with a great location for people watching in the heart of New York is fabo. And there then is the added benefit of the Wifi!


I love their vanilla bean frappuccinos

I am a Frappuccino addict and I even make my own at home. I have even bought Starbucks ingredients to make them but mine are never quite as good as theirs.

Business Insider

It’s… well, sweet. No surprise there. There’s no frappuccino that isn’t sweet. But the vanilla bean créme flavor is surprisingly refreshing. It tastes and feels more like a milkshake — creamy, smooth, and light. Mellow vanilla makes it a mellow drink.


I really really loved this frappuccino. Tired it for the first time and I will be buying it again. I usually get the green tea latte but the vanilla bean was amazing. Great taste and flavour!

Coffee Beans vs Vanilla Beans

Starbucks Vanilla Bean Frappuccino Price Summary (Canada)

The cost of the Vanilla Bean Crème Frappuccino at Starbucks in Canada menu prices ranges from $6.15 to $7.65. This drink is caffeine-free. If you prefer the “caffeinated” version, you can get the Caffe Vanilla Frappuccino or simply request a shot of espresso for your Vanilla Bean Frappuccino.

Category: Prices